Saturday, January 23, 2010

Temporary release from Saladin's house arrest

If Saladin had his way, he would have me on full bedrest and I would only get up to use the bathroom. My doctor has not restricted my activity at all but every time I try go out, Saladin starts in, fussing about how long I'll be out, will I be driving or doing a lot of walking, how many different things will I being doing while I'm out...He has developed his own rule that I should leave the house only once every two days. For instance, he thinks I should only go to a movie today if I don't plan to do anything tomorrow.

You're not the boss of me, Saladin.

Granted, I get fatigued very easily and fatigue sets off symptoms that are not good for me or the babies. And yes, I've had a few problems in the past that resulted in visits to Labor & Delivery and the emergency room. To be fair,I've limited my own activity significantly and work mostly from home. The plus side to all this is that Saladin does about 99% of the housework and doesn't complain. If I drop something, he picks it up so I don't have to bend down (which is very hard for me to do at this point). He helps me put on my boots and sometimes even my socks. He is always bringing me food and drink and making sure that I'm comfortable and bringing me pillows. I figure this treatment is once-in-a-lifetime so I try to enjoy it. Other times, I start feeling really isolated and a little frustrated that I can't be out and about.

So, you can imagine how thrilled I was to go to a wedding today. Saladin tried to say we shouldn't go at the last minute but I fought him like a man. I was determined to put on the new maternity dress I bought on sale and actually be in a social situation. His friend Sara was getting married only 10 minutes away by car! It was not some long trek. Well, we made it there. The ceremony was super-short (great because I hate long weddings) and held in this very lovely art space called Galapagos in DUMBO, Brooklyn.

This is not Sara's wedding but an image to give you an idea of what weddings there look like. Not sure if you can tell but the tables are surrounded by candle-filled water.

Here is a pic of me and Saladin at the wedding:

Don't I looked excited to be there? I got to see old friends, meet new people, and just be normal for a little while which is a big deal because these days, I don't feel very normal. We ended up leaving after only a couple of hours because, frankly, I was exhausted. I could have fallen asleep right at our table. Other moms of twins I know say that all they wanted to do was sleep by their third trimester. I have this book called, "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, and Quads" and it's hardcore, recommending that at 24 weeks, women pregnant with multiples should get 6 hours of rest each day. At first, I thought this was absurd. I mean, that's pretty much the entire workday. However, that's starting to seem more than reasonable to me.

As a matter of fact, I'm going to take nap right now.

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